Spy Chips in the Joghurt Mug
RFIDs - coming soon!
Katherine Albrecht, CASPIAN, Boston USA
Sunday, 1.2.2004 at 3 p.m.
Kreuzstraße 0, D-33602 Bielefeld, Germany
Press release
US RFID expert and consumer protection activist Katherine Albrecht from Boston coming to lecture at FoeBuD e.V.
Visit to Future Store of German METRO group
The chairwoman of the US-American consumer protection organisation CASPIAN, Katherine Albrecht, will be coming to Germany to hold a lecture on RFID at the German organisation FoeBuD e.V. Both
organisations have been committed to consumer- and data-protection for
years (e.g. "loyalty" cards) and will be cooperating more closely
in the future. Katherine Albrecht finds it especially interesting
that Germany has come further with respect to RFID than the USA:
Germany has obviously been chosen as the testing area for the introduction
of RFID on the consumer level.
RFID is the abbreviation of "radio frequency identification" with the
help of tiny electrical devices. These chips, when held to a reading
device, send out an identification number. According to the wishes of
the big companies, they are supposed to replace bar codes. But they
can do a lot more than them. Through the connection of RFID technology
with data bases, customer privacy can be annihilated.
Katherine Albrecht will visit the METRO "Future Store" at Rheinberg on
Saturday, January 31. Together with Rena Tangens and padeluun from
FoeBuD e.V. she will be received by Dr Gerd Wolfram, project manager
of the METRO Group Future Store Initiative, and press officer Albrecht
von Truchsess.
By invitation through FoeBuD e.V, she will also be holding a lecture
on RFID in FoeBud's lecture series "Public Domain" on Sunday, February
1, 03:00 p.m., at the Bunker Ulmenwall in Bielefeld. On Monday,
Katherine Albrecht will be available for press interviews by
Katherine Albrecht had a leading role in the formulation of the
critical RFID position statement
(http://www.spychips.com/jointrfid_position_paper.htm). FoeBuD e.V.
was one of the first endorsers of this statement and translated it
into German (http://www.foebud.org/texte/aktion/rfid). In this
statement the endorsers call for, among other things, a moratorium on
the introduction of RFID. Another of their demands is that the
moratorium must be financed by the big companies.
Sunday, January 31st:
Arrival at Duesseldorf airport
Visit to METRO Group's "Future Store" at Rheinberg
Departure to Bielefeld
Sunday, February 1st:
03.00 p.m. (to ca. 07:00 p.m.) "Public Domain" lecture:
"Spy chips in the yoghurt cup - coming soon!"
Monday, February 2nd:
Individual interviews by appointment
Tuesday, February 3rd:
Departure from Duesseldorf airport
Information on CASPIAN:
Information on FoeBuD e.V.:
Position statement on RFID:
www.spychips.com/jointrfid_position_paper.htm (English)
www.foebud.org/texte/aktion/rfid (German)
Big-Brother-Awards-Eulogy on METRO Group Future Store Initiative:
Location of lecture:
Rena Tangens and padeluun, FoeBuD e.V.
Phone: +49-(0)-521-175254
Fax: +49-(0)-521-61172
E-mail: presse@foebud.org