Nachricht Nummer : 274 Übertragungszeit : 5 min 49 sec Nachricht von : Betrifft : Zagreb Diary 15 September - 15 October Erstellungsdatum : 17.10.1993 16:51:00 W+1 Realname: Wam Kat Zagreb Diary 15 September - 15 October 1993 (2) Dobar dan, Of course the discussions in the train are not standard for all discussions I have had in the Netherlands when I was there, every where in the country I met peace and support groups, which knew, lucky me, a little bit more about what was going on. As a big surprise for me came the fact that my diary has become a regular source of information. And now back in Zagreb, looking at our own system I noticed that the information stream in Zagreb hasn't stopped in the time that I was away. From different person you have been provided with information, which normally didn't been shown and noticed in the Western media. In this part of this rather long entry of the diary I want to emphasise a little on those not so well known information, especially one case. In the time that I was gone some things has been happening which change the situation of our work a lot. Or let's say change the political tension we work under a lot. First of all the fact that the office of Dalmatian Action (DA) in Split has been blown up. When I first heard it I thought that the whole nice old corner building in the old centre of Split was demolished, but that is lucky not the case. According to the Croatian police report, about 200 grams of explosives were used in the stairway of the building, which destroyed the stair sup the office of DA, but the office itself was practically undamaged as well as most of the rest of the building. This place at the staircase was relatively public, nearly everybody have free entrance to this part of the building. It was and is by the way not the only in town bombing which took place in Split in the last months. Like in other town also in Split regularly pub's, shop's and houses has been destroyed by an explosion, nearly daily you can read in the papers that somewhere in the country somebodies house or car has been blown up. Most of this explosions have absolutely nothing to do with politics, it is just the way fights have been solved in a country full of weapons and explosives. And I must say you don't notice anything of it when you live here, beside from the small articles in the papers. The bombing of DA, however, gives a political taste in your mouth. Like the bombing of a building some months ago, from which the rumour went around that Feral Tribune or another "free" daily newspaper, would like to use that place to print or put together their magazine. Some rumours directly after the bombing at DA said that it was done by a wing from DA, which was disagree with the leading political line in the party. In the last months there has been some struggle about the political line in the party, even some people have been thrown out of the party. DA has won a lot of support in Dalmatia over the last year, according to a poll done by SD (the Dalmatian Newspaper), but which is never been published, the two biggest parties in Dalmatia at this moment would be HSLS (the liberal party) and DA, HDZ would loose almost everywhere their majority. Very fast after the bombing some people were arrested, from all those other bombings the arresting rate is next to nothing. But in this case after the first 2, very soon 7 others were arrested and two days later another couple (among them the husband of the only PM of and president of DA). Also the fax machine and a lot of diskettes were arrested. From this 11 people 10 are member of DA and most belong to the core group of DA, which are now accused, or rather they are not accused yet, since they are arrested by the military police and are in a military jail, they can be in jail for at least 6 months before any real court case have to take place and proof has to be presented of their guilt, any way they were seen guilty for blowing up there own office and planning more terrorists action, more or less. From people who were allowed to visit them in jail, after it first took some days to find out were they where, the stories came that some of them have been beaten in jail and that most of the questions they had to answer had nothing to do with the bombing, but everything with the party, the organisation, the place were archive and political documentation is stored, the strongest political people, etc. When the press asked Tudjman in a press conference about regional parties, just a few days before the explosion took place, he seemed to have said that those parties are terrorists and endangering the safety of the Croatian state. Talking with members from DA and reading their statements it can't however been said that this is like other regional parties in Europe a party which fight for a undepended Dalmatia, like other fights for an undepended Lambardia, Basque Country, Fries country, or what ever. The party line was more in fever of decentralisation of the power in Croatia over all the regions and logical in that case against the high centralisation coming from Zagreb. According to the official police reports in some cases they found weapons, guns, ammunition and explosives in the some of the houses of the people who were arrested. It is a fact however that in nearly every house in Croatia you will be able to find weapons, also in this case it were as far as known weapons which can be considered more or less standard of the armies in this region and it is unclear if somebody in their family has been or is in the army at the moment. Some rumours say that those weapons are putted there by the police, in order to frame the people of DA. Since I know some of those people who are arrested, I met them just a few months ago the last time, I hardly can imagine that any of them would be able to use violence in their political struggle, but that of course says nothing. I hope that international organisations like Amnesty International are soon starting to investigate this case, maybe those people really blow up their own office, you never know, but having people in jail without a real court-case and serious proof of their guilt is, to say it softly, a little spooky. It is in many ways a strange case. First of all I can't understand that a itself democratic calling country can arrest 10 leading members of a normal political party, without having 100% proof that those people are guilty, beside the accusation that the were guilty for blowing up there own office (something from which the deeper political strategy really is hard for me to understand, otherwise that you want to blame it on your "enemy" or to "offer" their office to get international attention, but that is no where said up to now) and remark that they were also planning other terrorists attacks (in some press articles a link was made between DA and terrorist Serbian groups). As proof is given the fact that weapons have been found in some of the homes. Even after a few days thinking about it and gathering as much as I can find on this topic I can't understand why the Croatian government don't give a load of information and enough proof to the people in order to make clear that this case has nothing to do with politics and is just a case of a straight criminal act. That they haven't done that up to now show the rumours around this case. Rumours which are even stronger since there is a new law coming up in which every journalists or newspaper, which publish something which is critical towards the government of Croatia can be arrested, but since it is only a proposal from the government towards the parliament (in which has the governmental party HDZ the absolute majority) the real texts and impacts are not clear yet. Thinking about this case I was wondering why people from DA are now picked up and brought to jail, but people from other parties, against whom about the same accusation are running and in whose houses and offices you probably also will find arms and explosives are running around. Not that I would like to have more people in jail, not at all, I only try to find out a logic in the Croatian law system. A logic, which makes it for me understandable why people get arrested and give me trust that Croatia is a democratic country, something which is so hard when something like this happens and you are left with so many puzzles. Again therefor I hope that important International organisations will do there best to clear up this case, so that we get some clear lights on what is happening and what has happened there in Split some weeks ago. But even when this case get's cleared up, the work will not be finished, there are unfortunately thousands of rumours about other cases, maybe not as spectacular, but even some more spectacular, then this one, which has to be up in the open, but in which country in the world that wouldn't be the case. Bok I Mir from Zagreb, Wam P.S. For those who don't notice it yet and that is about everybody outside Croatia, the telephone country code of Croatia has been changed two weeks ago, not 38 anymore but 385, but be not surprised when 38 works still in your country and 385 don't, it will take a while before the other countries realise that the codes have been changed. In the Netherlands nobody at the telephone company knew about it when we check it out in the first week of this month. ------------------------------------------------------ Zagreb Diary can be found on a lot of different electronic networks, it is copyright free and can be ported to any network or other means of communication you like, but please drop my a line, you can reach by sending a message to or Zagreb Diary is dedicated to Tyche, Pjort and Rik, so that they found out what there father have been doing all that time in Zagreb. Financial support for Grassroot relief work in Croatia or BiH can be send to Kollektief Rampenplan (atn. Lylette, Postbox 780, 6130 AN Sittard, Netherlands, tel:. +31-46-524803 and fax: +31-46-516460 or to Zagrebacka Banka, Zagreb, accountnr.: 2440291594, to Kat, Pieter Jan Herman Fredrik, Brace Domany 6 6fl nr3, 41000 Zagreb. Please notify me if you send or have send any donations. ## CrossPoint v2.1 ##