Nachricht Nummer : 263 Übertragungszeit : 3 min 39 sec Nachricht von : Betrifft : Zagreb Diary 7 September, 1993 Erstellungsdatum : 13.09.1993 13:43:00 S+2 Realname: Wam Kat Zagreb Diary 7 September, 1993 Dobar dan, The Canadian who left this sector last week to serve in Sector South must be happy at the moment, most of them complained that the Sector West was so dull, their new station is for sure not without action at the moment. In the corridors of the school and in the pubs I hear rumours about a counter offensive which the Croats have launch in the area around the bridge if I am informed well. I am wondering what kind of effects that will have in the coming days. It looks if some tension is back in the air, you feel that something is going to happen. I am back working in the school, that is working is something we have to find at the moment, the whole group of volunteers is hanging as monkeys in some aluminium construction in which later there will be put glass. We have to scrap the paint drops of the aluminium, but on top of us some painters are busy to undo our work as soon as we cleaned something. We had a long discussion last evening about the project in the school. Some how the situation at the receiving side, living here in Croatian among the people have change not only the Croats in the group, but also the foreigners. None of them had much credit for this action. Not only the quality of the work was questioned, the architect in the group said that almost all the mistakes which could be made were made at the building spot, the wall were far too wet to be painted for example. But also the fact that there is not really a need for a new school building in the town, much more important would f.e. be a good medical post or something simular. No it weren't the most praising words for the British initiative which went through the room. It is good that after all the attention which Lipik has had from the foreign relief organisation now also something come to Pakrac and that people in the UK found out about Pakrac and what has and is still happening there, but all of us wonders if this is the way how to express it around the world. They only pictures Anneke takes back to the UK are happy people who get one present after another. Not the way we know Pakrac. Anyway we are back at our working place and help where ever we think there is a need, even after three days most of the workers haven't broke to most important rule at the building place, no alcohol, something what wonders us all. Never the fact that we are really not knowing what to do all the time and spend more time in the cantina than usefully the spirit is high. Somehow somebody thought that it was more clever to ask the British soldiers to watch over the building site rather than the Argentineans, otherwise I can't explain that we don't see any of them around the site during the day. Also in our own house the building activities are continuing it is great to see how the small building slowly get's repaired, the roof was not fixed good last time, but during the rain yesterday evening we found out that it was now done well. Some specialised friend from one of the working brigade came by and told that the ceiling job we had done so far was good. And he is not the only one who jumps in the house ones and a while, I think that by now the whole town knows about our house. Back in the school we hear that we have got evening shift as well, the school has been cleaned up and installed for the big day tomorrow. Just before we went to the school Ralf and his friend Goran (the local youngsters) come by in the school, they bring us some rakija, which Goran's mother has made. Ralf is a small guy, who want to become a hairdresser, Goran is a huge tall one, who has no plans, but always walk around in working pants and camouflage shirt. We invite them to join us to night in the school. And they are immediately in for it. At least something else is happening in the town. When we arrive at the school the women brigades are busy to clean up the giant hall in the school, the glass makers are finishing their last window and everybody has a crazy mood. Working through the night, or rather in the first hours not working, since there is nothing real to do if we don't want to scrub the hall clean for the so much time, water is still dripping from the ceiling, indeed the whole building is still wet. Ralf starts to organise himself some jobs and also something for us to do. Soon we are transporting brand new tables, cupboards and chairs to the three new rooms, which are finished. After a hour every thing is on his place and we have a pause. The two Argentinean soldiers who are taking guard are also in the cantina, we eat for the at least tenth times this day. The hall scrubbing continues and I go with our Goran to the second floor to see what is happening there. On the stairs we found a brand new copper shield with inscription. It reports of the action from Anneke and mention all the companies involved. In the Croatian translation there are 3 spelling mistakes. We walk down and see the most giant black board in the world putted in place, the have the size of a television screen, laughing we start to put some mixture of sand and cement on the open space in front of the school on the place where they removed three trees this morning, at least the view on the school is better now. Just before we left we have a short walk around the part of the building which is repaired. In two of the rooms on the second floor the brand new paint comes of the wall already. Bok I Mir from Zagreb, Wam ------------------------------------------------------ Zagreb Diary can be found on a lot of different electronic networks, it is copyright free and can be ported to any network or other means of communication you like, but please drop my a line, you can reach by sending a message to or Zagreb Diary is dedicated to Tyche, Pjort and Rik, so that they found out what there father have been doing all that time in Zagreb. Financial support for Grassroot relief work in Croatia or BiH can be send to Kollektief Rampenplan (atn. Lylette, Postbox 780, 6130 AN Sittard, Netherlands, tel:. +31-46-524803 and fax: +31-46-516460 or to Zagrebacka Banka, Zagreb, accountnr.: 2440291594, to Kat, Pieter Jan Herman Fredrik, Brace Domany 6 6fl nr3, 41000 Zagreb. 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