Nachricht Nummer : 447 Übertragungszeit : 3 min 43 sec Nachricht von : (Wam) Antworten an : Betrifft : Zagreb Diary on 8 March, 1994 Kopienempfänger : /REG/NEWS/DIARY/WAM, /APC/YUGO/ANTIWAR, /CL/EUROPA/BALKAN, /SOC/CULTURE/BOSNA-HERZGVNA, /SOC/CULTURE/CROATIA, /SOC/CULTURE/YUGOSLAVIA Erstellungsdatum : 15.03.1994 14:15:00 W+1 Zagreb Diary 8 March, 1994 Dobar dan, It is the International Women day today. I didn't went to the activities, since I am a man, although knowing most of the women movement around here in Zagreb it wouldn't have been a big problem I guess. Anyway Vesna J. went to Istria this morning to rest for a few days, get's some air. Yesterday she got some money for the new number of ARKzin from Klaus, but the fight every month to get enough funding together is continuing. As it is with f.e. the Pakrac Project, I think we have a few thousand DEM left but than it is over, this continues fight and struggle to get our funds together is one of the most nerving things which is happening here. You never know if a project will continue for a long time, since by tomorrow the funds can be gone and no new will come. And the whole work has still to start to be honest, slowly peace, or rather no armed fighting, is getting to this area, but what the hack how long can it be quiet if you have to life under the conditions as most of the people, especially in BiH. The first weeks of my staying in Croatia, in April '92, I was witness of the start of the destruction of BiH. There were this faxes from Sarajevo coming every day and night, some times we sit up more than 48 hours in a row typing in the messages out of the shelters in Sarajevo, the phone lines still work and from here we could bring it on the electronic networks. Edin and I spend days together collecting the news and translating it. One of the returning stories in those days were about the public transport in Sarajevo. Although the trams were shot at and the main garage got some severe hits, people keep on writing that the trams were still going and bringing people to there work. On the second of May, 92, it suddenly stopped, the electricity went out and soon afterwards also the telephone lines to Zagreb. But the trams are driving again, at least one tram made his circle around Sarajevo some days ago, people applauded and had a big party. The line goes sometimes only a few hundred meters way from the front-line, the shelling may be stopped nearly totally, but the front-line is still there. To secure the first trip 2 UNPROFOR APC's drove alone side of the trams and after it returned to his base it was said that by the 15th of March the trams probably will start to drive normal, if the cease-fire holds that is. UN spokesmen said that the next issue is to get the road to and from Sarajevo free, maybe within some months people don't have to use the tunnel under the airport anymore to get from one BiH government controlled part of BiH to another. Not much is said about that tunnel, but it must be a master piece of engineering since thousands and thousands of people have made use of it so far and it never went out of order since it was opened some where last year. Peace in BiH, at least between the Croats and the Muslims seems to be on it way. In the Lasva region, which was up to a week ago together with Mostar the stage for heavy fights between HVO and BiHarmija, the both armies has handed over their heavy weapons to the UK UNPROFOR bases in Vitez and Zenica. But just a few kilometres away the HVO hold town of Usora came under a fresh attack from Bosnian Serb Army artillery. The Croatian radio reported that at least 250 soldiers has been killed in the last fighting's in that town. Also in the Maglaj region it is far from quiet, although the NATO base in Italy announced today that according to their knowledge there hasn't been any no-fly zone violations during the last days. They say that they didn't recorded the attack on the bridge in Maglaj. Today also should have been the day that the airport in Tuzla should have been opened for relief flights, the Russian troopers are ready to move in every moment now and are waiting for orders. Already there are a few hundred Danish and Swedish UNPROFOR soldiers and with them the 6 Danish tanks. However a more realistic date for opening will be somewhere half way this month. In Croatia it wasn't so quiet the last day, after a day of quietness, during which the telephone and electricity lines in Gospic could be repaired again today and last night there were shells falling in the Zadar hinterland. Not so heavy as last weekend, when some people got killed, but still costing a lot of material damage. Also Vinkovci, totally on the other side of Croatia, near sector East, which is a real front-line city and more or less known for there hard line policy of a lot of it's inhabitants came also under a kind of attack today, after months of absolute quietness. But the most headers in the newspapers were reserved for the Spanish NATO aeroplane, part of the mission who is in charge of controlling the no-fly zone over BiH, was shot at above Croatian territory. The aeroplane was on it's way from Zagreb to Split and had to make an emergency landing in Rijeka. So it is unclear from were the shooting came, it could be both HV as well as Serbian Krajina army, or even somebody totally all by himself. 4 of 5 people in the plane had some minor shrapnel wounds and several holes were found in the plane, destroying one of the oil pipes. More news of the Bulgarian boats, one of the press releases of today said that they saw the crew sitting on the boats hold at gunpoint, but that weren't sure if that wasn't been staged. Mir from somewhere in Hrvatska, Wam ------------------------------------------------------ "Zagreb Diary" can be found on a lot of different electronic networks, it is copyright free and can be ported to any network or other means of communication you like, but please drop my a line, you can reach by sending a message to . Zagreb Diary is dedicated to Tyche, Pjort and Rik, so that they found out what there father have been doing all that time in Zagreb. Financial support for Grassroot relief work in Croatia or BiH can be send to Kollektief Rampenplan (atn. Lylette, Postbox 780, 6130 AN Sittard, Netherlands, tel:. +31-46-524803 and fax: +31-46-516460 or to Zagrebacka Banka, Zagreb, accountnr.: 2440291594, to Kat, Pieter Jan Herman Fredrik, Brace Domany 6 6fl nr3 (postbox 33), 41000 Zagreb. 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