Nachricht Nummer : 548 Übertragungszeit : 3 min 21 sec Nachricht von : (Wam) Antworten an : Betrifft : Zagreb Diary 20 November 1994 Kopienempfänger : /REG/NEWS/DIARY/WAM, /SOC/CULTURE/YUGOSLAVIA, /SOC/CULTURE/CROATIA, /SOC/CULTURE/BOSNA-HERZGVNA, /CL/EUROPA/BALKAN, /APC/YUGO/ANTIWAR Erstellungsdatum : 23.11.1994 12:32:00 W+1 Zagreb Diary, 20 November, 1994 Dobar Dan, All female UNPROFOR and other UN or related foreign personal has been evacuated yesterday from Sector South. In all sectors their is now red alert, also in Pakrac. This comes very sudden and directly after the decision this week of the security council to open the possibility to also do NATO actions in the UNPA's in Croatia, when related to the fights in and around the Bihac pocket. Pakrac lays in sector West so at least 200 kilometre away from sector south, Banja Luka (even closer than Zagreb) and even Bihac is closer by. It is a bit similar of the situation during the NATO air attack on Sarajevo this year. Also tan we had an USAmerican down in the RSK part of Pakrac, also in this case our volunteers there are coming from NATO member states. But it is hard to imagine that something will happen to them, no matter what will come. Sector West is not really involved in what is happening in the Bihac area. I even do not think that much of the people in West Slavonia have much relatives in that region any way. The two volunteers are at this moment anyway not in that part of the sector. They are like a lot of people involved in the Pakrac project in Hungary. A meeting in the peace centre of HCA took place between people involved in the project active on the different sides. Why I am not there is a good question. I should be. The last months I "suffer" however from a small form of identity crisis. Nothing serious, but something which is familiar with what a friend of mine in Praha f.e. feels. He is USAmerican and now almost the same period in Praha as me here. Fighting against the atom power plant of Temelin. Not feeling really 100% connected anymore with our home countries, feeling to be fallen in a cultural hole somewhere in the middle. In my case on top it comes this feeling of taking sides. How hard you try you are always some where makes a slip of the tongue, or the computer I must say, and write or say something which offend somebody. That goes from writing about how safe Zagreb maybe, somebody who ran away from here 3 year ago may have another feeling, or writing that our ZaMir computer in Sarajevo stands in the same building as the presidency, why are we not giving Banja Luka a voice, or if we have by putting it there not taken sides or make it a question if Vukovar is occupied or liberated. Even which side you prefer living at in Pakrac (I prefer the whole area, without it's separation). And it is not always so simple to be open and ready to discus about all those things, without becoming emotional. I have been having that problem since the beginning. Yesterday evening on Sanja's birthday we watched with about 12 people (8 Croats, 3 Dutch and a Belgium one) the Miss World elections in it should have been forbidden Sun-City. Just a month ago in Denmark I drunk for the first time South African wine. Suncity always was an example for me of white power in South Africa and I don't know how many songs I have at my mothers home in Netherlands on records against it. At Miss World the whole idea should have been forbidden in the first place. So yes, we were watching it. What do you think with Miss Croatia, Miss Holland (how sad that country calls Netherlands) and Miss Belgium. So Netherlands out in the first round, but Belgium and Croatia sticked around for a while. Croatia made it even until behind the spot to collect many for the poor staring children in South Africa, compared with the wealth of Suncity I haven't got much word for taste left. But miss India was my favourite, she had at least something serious to say, even when it came from a paper. We missed Miss BiH or rather Sarajevo, like last year, or was that Miss Universe. Times goes so fast. Earlier on the way to the party we passed by the new shopping centre in Zagreb. I am not sure if it is already official opened. It is build next to the railway station totally underground. A huge shopping mall like there are thousands of them out there in the states and western Europe. Partly with the same shops and same music. A few kilometre of small aquariums in which young people hope to build up themselves a new life, selling the latest fashion of the west. It is not hard to loss completely your awareness of space and time at this place, down their in the basement you move over the line between west and east Europe. The lights, the smell, the sound, to outfit, it is all so different to the rest of the setting in this area of the town. A place were even in Zagreb an uniform would look out of place. I wonder how long it takes before this place becomes part of Zagreb's normal public life, for the time being it is an foreign island in the town. Very late in the night I ended up in an illegal youth club somewhere in Zagreb. Lot's of football fan's there and unbelievable hard techno music. Not really my place. I saw the first ameriKKKa most wanted poster today. Public Enemy and Ice-T play in Zagreb on my birthday. The owner of the place I was tonight asked himself why he should go to that concert, he didn't want to pay money to get pissed at. If those guys wants they are welcome to come to his place, they are welcome. Vesna and I walked back through a sleeping Zagreb. Mir za somewhere in or around Hrvatska, Wam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zagreb Diary can be found on a lot of different electronic networks, it is copyright free and can be ported to any network or other means of communication you like, but please drop my a line, you can reach by sending a message to WAM@ZAMIR- Zagreb Diary is dedicated to Tyche, Pjort and Rik, so that they found out what there father have been doing all that time in Zagreb. ## CrossPoint v3.02 ##