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Spy Chips in the Yoghurt Mug
RFIDs - coming soon!
Katherine Albrecht, CASPIAN, Boston USA

Sunday, 1.2.2004 at 3 p.m.
Kreuzstraße 0, D-33602 Bielefeld

PUBLIC DOMAIN 127 on Sunday, 1 February 2004:
Katherine Albrecht, Boston, on RFID "spy" chips

"January 2004: The Metro group [owners of supermarket chains real, Media Markt and Galeria Kaufhof] will be using RFID tags on their goods in the future." (From a Metro press release)

"November 2004: Marion Z. is sent a caution from the Duisburg authorities with a fine. The wrapping paper of a Mars bar she has bought was found in the town park, floating in the duck pond. After some pondering, Marion Z. remembers that she gave the sweet to a young carol singer. Grinding her teeth, she pays the 10 Euro fine. (From the award speech for the German Big Brother Awards, 2003,"Consumer Protection" category, winners: Metro Plc)

Katherine Albrecht, of consumers organization CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering - www.nocards.org), will be travelling from Boston to Bielefeld specially to get involved in the German RFID debate, as German retail multis are much more impudent than their US counterparts in introducing RFIDs across the country.

(The talk will be in English. We provide German translation - please bring a set of headphones with a 3.5 mm - walkman size - plug to hear it.)

Sunday, 1 Feb 2004 from 3 pm (to 7 pm app.)
at Bunker Ulmenwall, Kreuzstr. 0, Bielefeld, Germany

Bunker Ulmenwall Bielefeld

Foto: (click to enlarge) Biography (d) Press Release

(large version 11 kB)


Continuative Links:

CASPIAN Consumer against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numering:
Website Stop RFID
RFID-Positionspapier mit Forderung nach einem Moratorium
Laudatio der BigBrotherAwards für die Future Store Initiative der Metro AG
Reinhard Schrutzki designte für uns das obige Logo (.jpg) (.eps) fair use!

Der FoeBuD bekam 2003 für die Entwicklung eines RFID-Aufspürgerätes den mit
15.000 Euro dotierten
Förderpreis der Stiftung Bride
http://www.bridge-ideas.de/, http://www.bewegungsstiftung.de/